Public Liability

Public Liability

This policy covers the amount which the insured becomes legally liable to pay as damages to third parties as a result of accidental death, bodily injury, loss or damage to the property belonging to a third party. The legal cost and expenses incurred in defending the case with prior co nsent of the insurance company are also payable subject to certain terms and conditions

One can insure more than one unit situated in different locations under a single policy. Death, Permanent Total Disability, Temporary Total Disability, Broken Bones, Burns and Ambulance costs are covered under the policy. The personal accident insurance plan can also be extended to include your entire family under a single policy.

Three types of Public Liability Policies.

  • Public Liability Non Industrial Risk - For offices,hotels, cinema houses,hospitals, schools etc.
  • Public Liability Industrial Risk - For godowns , warehouses and factories.
  • Public Liability Insurance Act 1991 - This is a mandatory policy to be taken by owners ,users or transporters of hazardous substance as defined under Environment (Protection) Act 1986 in excess of the minimum quantity specified under the Public Liability Insurance Act 1991.